Dr. PJ “Paul James” Sedillo an Associate Professor for the Special/Gifted Education Department at New Mexico Highlands University is published in Gifted Child Today, Journal of Education & Social Policy, Prufrock Press, Parents of High Potential, and ABQ Press where his book Solidarity through Pride won best book in Arizona/New Mexico for 2018.
PJ has a new chapter coming out in Prufrock Press titled Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Learners: Meeting the Needs of Special Populations in Gifted Education which introduces Stages of Identity for GLBT-Gifted persons.
He served as President for the NM Association for the Gifted, Communication Member & Chair-Elect for the NAGC-GLBTQ Network, NAGC State Affiliate Leadership and Advocacy member, Co-Chair for the 2019 NAGC Conference in Albuquerque, and currently is an At-Large Board Member for NAGC.