Exceptional Talent
BOOK EXCEPTIONAL TALENT Frans Corten is a specialized career coach from the Netherlands. He coaches gifted people in their careers for more than 20 years
Welcome to 2eResources.com, your 24/7 place to find vetted resources for you and your 2e family. You’ll find our listings organized in five categories: Education, Clinicians, Consultants, Associations and Enrichment. If you are looking for something that isn’t there, or if you’d like us to highlight your service or school, please contact Graciela Livas, 2eResources Coordinator at Graciela@WithUnderstandingComescalm.com 2eResources.com is brought to you by With Understanding Comes Calm and Julie Skolnick, M.A., J.D.
BOOK EXCEPTIONAL TALENT Frans Corten is a specialized career coach from the Netherlands. He coaches gifted people in their careers for more than 20 years
We offer support to families looking to meet their gifted children’s educational and social-emotional needs. Our services include parent groups, individualized parent support, educational consulting,
Welcome to Seed Starter! Seed Starter is the only educational consulting firm in the world that specializes in boarding school and therapeutic placement for gifted