I empower parents to help their 2e kids.

Parenting gifted and distractible children is challenging on many levels. Through the lenses of giftedness and learning differences, I will help you understand your child’s perplexing behaviors, complex feelings and intensity. We will discuss how to deepen your connection, how to respond rather than react and how to go from frustrated to fulfilled.

Why working with Julie Skolnick is the right fit for you:

Are you parenting a child who

  • Engages in power struggles with you, even over simple requests?
  • Melts down frequently?
  • Has an enormous vocabulary?
  • Bombards you with questions?
  • Is self critical?
  • Has trouble relating to peers?

Does your child

  • Challenge rules because he has “a better way?”
  • Seem overly sensitive to criticism?
  • Worry about trying new things?
  • Resist completing or turning in work unless it is “perfect?”
  • Complain that he is bored in school?
  • Struggle to complete tasks like homework and chores?

Do teachers and other adults

  • Pay more attention to your child’s behavior than intellect?
  • React to your child in a negative way?
  • Describe your child as hyper?

How To Work With Julie:

Like most parents of 2e kids, you’ve probably tried warnings, consequences, and external motivation in response to your child’s challenging or perplexing behaviors. Every once in a while your 2e child might even comply. But you just can’t figure out how to parent consistently.

Watch this video to learn how Julie works with parents of 2e children:

Choose The Consulting Options That Address Your Needs

Click to expand an explanation:

This hourly consultation is for families who need in-the-moment guidance and support. Your first session is a two hour needs assessment and intake which may or may not conclude with a 35 minute Live Educational Webinar on what it means to be gifted and 2e.
Thereafter, schedule 60 minute, 90 minute, or 2 hour sessions – your choice. You come to sessions with topics, questions, and needs you would like addressed. Issues may originate at home, at school, with certain people or in certain circumstances. Julie helps you understand why these challenges occur and provides strategies to implement now. You may learn about patterns that have become ingrained in your family system. You’ll gain new approaches to implement right away.

Meeting One: Intake and Understanding: We discuss particular challenges or behaviors you and your child experience at home, at school, in extra-curricular activities or elsewhere. Julie will teach about the inner experience of being gifted and twice exceptional, which will help you understand WHY challenges occur. (2 hours).

Meeting Two: Strategies based on the P-R-A-I-S-E paradigm: You will learn HOW you can address challenges and encourage successes through strategies that help bring out the best in your child. The goal of these strategies is to allow your child to “switch gears” when they are entering the “danger zone” of challenging behavior and to allow YOU to “switch gears” when you enter the realm of frustration and exhaustion. (2 hours).

Meeting Three:  Advocacy: We’ll Craft Your Child’s Story using strengths and struggles to inform his particular needs. You’ll learn best practices to build a collaborative team for your child. (2 hours).

Julie sits down virtually with you and your extended family to explain what it means to be gifted and twice exceptional. Having grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members in the room to experience Julie’s “live webinar” about what it means to be gifted and 2e allows the family system to share language and understanding on how best to approach and respond to a 2e child’s needs. This multigenerational session allows your loved ones to gain a deeper understanding of your child and to get answers to their questions.

Help Others Understand Your 2e Child

Click to expand an explanation:

Julie sits down virtually with you and your extended family to explain what it means to be gifted and twice exceptional. Having grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members in the room to experience Julie’s “live webinar” about what it means to be gifted and 2e allows the family system to share language and understanding on how best to approach and respond to a 2e child’s needs. This multigenerational session allows your loved ones to gain a deeper understanding of your child and to get answers to their questions.

Julie meets with your child’s teacher team to explain and educate about your child’s profile and to answer any questions they may have about strategies in the classroom.

Help Your 2e Child Understand Him/Her/Their Self

Parents frequently ask how to talk to their 2e child about their profile. 

Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words, but we know that self-awareness helps the 2e child gain perspective.

In this video, I share a script for you to follow or watch with your gifted/2e kiddos.

“I showed my son the video. He was mesmerized.  I think he felt that someone understood him. Thank you so much!!” – Cheryl

Ready to get the support and guidance your family needs?

📆 Grab your spot in Julie’s busy calendar.

My goal is to empower parents and help 2e children thrive. If you’ve read about my approach and feel a strong resonance, why not skip the line? Book your consultations now, and let’s embark on your transformative journey right away.
If you still have questions, book your free 20 minute phone conversation.

Still not sure which service is right for you?

The Haystack is a community created specifically to help 2e Adults thrive. When you join the Haystack you will...

  • Find people who care about the things you care about
  • Learn why some things are hard and others a breeze
  • Gain perspective – on yourself, and others
  • Spend time interacting – UNMASKED
  • Share your strengths and passions with others who appreciate YOU

And doors close on February 11th! Click below to join the Haystack...