About Julie Skolnick M.A., J.D.

Julie F. Rosenbaum Skolnick, M.A., J.D., Founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC, passionately guides parents of gifted and distractible children, mentors 2e adults, trains educators and advises professionals on how to bring out the best and raise self-confidence in their 2e students and clients.

A prolific writer and beloved speaker, Julie hosts “The Haystack 2e Adult Membership Group” which welcomes all “2e adult needles,” hosts Let’s Talk 2e! Parent Empowerment Groups, produces virtual conferences, and publishes “Gifted & Distractible,” a free weekly newsletter. Her book, Gifted and Distractible: Understanding, Supporting, and Advocating for Your Twice Exceptional Child, published in October 2023.

Located in Maryland, USA, Julie’s clients and audience hale from all four corners of the globe.

Learn more: www.WithUnderstandingComesCalm.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/withunderstandingcomescalm
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julieskolnick/
Twitter: @JulieSkolnick
LinkedIn: Julie Rosenbaum Skolnick
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JulieSkolnick

Julie serves as Secretary to the Maryland Superintendent’s Gifted and Talented Advisory Council, is an advisor for the Masters of Education Program for the Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversityand is an advisor for “The G Word” full feature film. Julie is the SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) Maryland liaison, a SENG Model Parent Group (SMPG) trained facilitator and on the Simultaneous Supports committee for the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). She is trained in the suite of tools “Putting the Person into Personalized Learning” through the 2e Center for Professional Development at Bridges Academy. Julie is also an invited member of the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum Professional Membership Committee.

Julie Produces theLet’s Talk 2e! Virtual conferences, hosts Let’s Talk 2eParent Empowerment Groups, publishes the free monthly newsletter,“Gifted & Distractible,”and maintains the free listing service,2eResources.com. A frequent speaker and prolific writer, Julie is also the mother of three twice exceptional children who keep her on her toes and uproariously laughing.



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Brad Rysdahl

Web Administrator
Brad is a WordPress Wizard with a special knack for developing online educational platforms.

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Christy Mullen


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Debbie Hendry

Labor Law

Andrew Smith

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Jeanelle Dale


Christina Amerson

Capital Markets, M&A

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Drug Crimes

Angela Butler

Project Finance Practice

Joseph A. Williams

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The Haystack is a community created specifically to help 2e Adults thrive. When you join the Haystack you will...

  • Find people who care about the things you care about
  • Learn why some things are hard and others a breeze
  • Gain perspective – on yourself, and others
  • Spend time interacting – UNMASKED
  • Share your strengths and passions with others who appreciate YOU

And doors close on February 11th! Click below to join the Haystack...