Applying Self Determination Theory to gain Motivation for Gifted and Twice Exceptional People
Gifted and 2e people will do well to raise their awareness around needs of autonomy, competency and relatedness. Know yourself so you recognize when an environment is toxic. If you feel out of control, get support – just the action of advocating for yourself will increase your feelings of competency and sense of control.
2e and PTSD
…the twice exceptional (gifted with a learning difference) population is under inordinate, constant stress.
Top 10 Considerations When Parenting or Teaching a 2e Child
So often responses and reactions are based on misinformation, faulty assumptions and a deep-seeded need to fix. 2e folks are complex and knee jerk responses to the way they present in the world only serve to fuel their frustration and yours.
Success for Gifted and 2e Adults
For 2e children or adults, the key to success is recognizing and celebrating their own strengths despite destructive messaging, and using these assets to formulate strategies to support their challenges.
Perspective, Perseverance and Perfectionism
Parents, teachers and professionals spend a lot of time thinking about how to encourage kids’ resolve, keep them on track and help them recognize and reach their boundless potential. Two buzzwords in particular, “mindset” and “grit,” are used to discuss these concepts. The big question is how do we get our kids to have a […]
The Smarter They Are, the Harder They Are…or Are They?
I’ve been thinking a lot about the effect of words used in psychological diagnoses; particularly for the diagnoses of ADHD and Gifted. Yep, “Gifted” is a diagnosis. I was surprised too. When my 5 year old was diagnosed ADHD and Gifted, I didn’t think the Gifted part was a “diagnosis.” I thought, “Ok, so he’s […]