Seeing 2021 Through 2020 Vision to Focus on 2e Learners

With respect to those who suffered in 2020; the parents the teachers and especially the 2e student, we’ve got to change our ways.
2e and PTSD

…the twice exceptional (gifted with a learning difference) population is under inordinate, constant stress.
Top 10 Considerations When Parenting or Teaching a 2e Child

So often responses and reactions are based on misinformation, faulty assumptions and a deep-seeded need to fix. 2e folks are complex and knee jerk responses to the way they present in the world only serve to fuel their frustration and yours.
Shining a Light on the Shadows

Once you start positively reframing what’s around you, when you can make the conscious decision that there is always an upside, you start to notice the strengths and opportunities for growth and knowledge.
Adjusting Environments for School Success

Pegs – we hear about them all the time; our 2e children’s school experience is often described as “trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.” I have […]
Good ‘til the Last Drop – Understanding and Monitoring Triggers that Cause Explosive Behavior in our Children, Students and Ourselves

Gifted and twice exceptional people who experience “overexcitabilities” respond to stimuli in a much grander way than the typical population. In order to support our children, students and clients, as […]
How Incentive Systems Can Backfire with Gifted and 2e Kids

My client’s second grade son came home in tears the other day. Usually a happy child, on this particular day he communicated his feelings in response to a teacher’s strategy […]
The Why Behind the Why – Causes Behind Gifted and 2e Kids’ Challenging Behavior

Parents and teachers often talk to me about behavior. “What can we do about this behavior?” “How can we stop the behavior?” “I can’t deal with this behavior.” In order […]
Avoiding Failure – Building Self Esteem and Resilience in Twice-Exceptional Kids

Recently I articulated a theory – something I’ve thought for a long time – but now formulated into a hypothesis and conclusion of why smart kids, with learning disabilities or […]
Leggo My Ego

Leggo my Ego There is no room for ego in parenting or teaching. Remember the breakfast waffle commercial where an Eggo waffle pops out of the toaster and siblings simultaneously […]