2e and PTSD

…the twice exceptional (gifted with a learning difference) population is under inordinate, constant stress.

Honoring Overexcitabilities Allows Us to Soar Safely

Overexcitabilities to gifted and twice exceptional people are like wind to a kite.  They allow us to fly high but can also cause us to perilously fall toward earth, often in a dizzying and uncontrollable descent.   Overexcitabilities are those intensities that come forth in the intellectual, emotional, imaginational, sensual (sensory) and psychomotor domains as identified […]

Giftedness and Emotional Intensity

We went to see puppies the other day, a litter of 11 standard poodles.  I warned my highly gifted, emotionally intense and fiercely loyal son that he was likely to make an immediate attachment to one particular puppy but that there were 5 of us in the family and we all had to have a […]

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