Adjusting versus Masking: How Neurodiverse Adults Can Thrive in a Neurotypical World
When talking with 2e adults, inevitably, the topic of “masking” comes up. After years of feeling different, they notice that their priorities, goals, and needs are dissimilar to just about everyone else they come into contact with on a daily basis. 2e adults learn to “mask” their needs in order to avoid judgment and conflict. […]
Being 2e During the Holiday Season
As we enter the holiday season, 2e families and 2e adults are feeling lots of the BIG FEELS; some positive, some not so positive. You, your child, or your student might be feeling: Relief over a schedule that includes vacation days. Trepidation over office parties and social gatherings filled with small talk. Excitement about travel […]
Fear and Unknown
We are living in a liminal time. What will happen next? How will I keep my kids engaged? How will I make online learning meaningful for my students? How will I work while my kids are bored at home with me? Who will get sick? When? How will I pay my bills? How can I […]