Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome

Perfectionism in one person can lead to imposter syndrome in another person…Since each state, perfectionism and imposter syndrome, feed on one another, the cycle is very hard to break.
Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Self-Love

I often say self-esteem is the key to success. That feeling that you can do anything. The ability to enter a room and walk directly up to someone, stick out […]
Success for Gifted and 2e Adults

For 2e children or adults, the key to success is recognizing and celebrating their own strengths despite destructive messaging, and using these assets to formulate strategies to support their challenges.
The Why Behind the Why – Causes Behind Gifted and 2e Kids’ Challenging Behavior

Parents and teachers often talk to me about behavior. “What can we do about this behavior?” “How can we stop the behavior?” “I can’t deal with this behavior.” In order […]
Be a Super Model … a Super ROLE Model

Ever heard your child say something in an all too familiar sarcastic or snarky tone? It’s even worse when you’re in public or at a work function and they let […]
Perspective, Perseverance and Perfectionism

Parents, teachers and professionals spend a lot of time thinking about how to encourage kids’ resolve, keep them on track and help them recognize and reach their boundless potential. Two […]
The Smarter They Are, the Harder They Are…or Are They?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the effect of words used in psychological diagnoses; particularly for the diagnoses of ADHD and Gifted. Yep, “Gifted” is a diagnosis. I was surprised […]
Sometimes Good Enough is Good Enough

When I was in law school, Moot Court was the big thing. Famous judges came to critique us. The issues were timely and interesting. The catch; it was completely overwhelming […]