Adjusting Environments for School Success

Pegs – we hear about them all the time; our 2e children’s school experience is often described as “trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.” I have to be honest; I can’t stand that expression. Why does square have to be negative? Why do we want everyone or anyone to fit into […]

See Me! What We Need for Successful Relationships

Our cleaning lady walked in the other day, gave notice and burst into tears. She realized she needs to be home in the afternoons for her two tweens as her eighth-grade son’s doctor informed her that her son suffers from stress and anxiety. My most recent clients, parents of high school aged children, and a […]

Letting Go

I’ve been thinking a lot about “letting go” lately. Many people are recalibrating expectations and adjusting to ‘new norms’ globally – in the face of natural and man-made disasters, and nationally with powerful and painful government and social politics.  Letting go requires forging ahead in new ways, setting a course that takes into account relevant […]

Advocacy: Crafting Your 2e Child’s Story

You know what makes me crazy? When parents think they deserve the judgments thrown at them.  “It must be so difficult raising your child.”  “I can’t imagine how you get through each day.” And the backhanded compliments, “You’re so strong, I could never do what you do.” “They’re so lucky to have you, I couldn’t […]

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