On Being Twice Exceptional During the Holidays

I recently asked participants in our Parent Empowerment Group what they love about the holidays. Just a simple question, but since they are parents of twice exceptional students, I had […]
2e Kids, Emotional Overexcitability and the Election

Gifted and twice exceptional people often experience emotional overexcitability. Plugging into the world in an organic way, they see, feel, and understand their surroundings on a deeper level. This super […]
Grateful for “Nobody”

Particularly during this unsure and unstable time of #coronavirus, jotting down what you are grateful for, big or small, at a specific time during the day, can help bring light when everything feels dark and stormy.
Fear and Unknown

We are living in a liminal time. What will happen next? How will I keep my kids engaged? How will I make online learning meaningful for my students? How will […]
The Link Between Emotion Regulation and Procrastination

This article links procrastination with emotion regulation.
10 Tips For Handling the Holidays With Twice Exceptional (2e) Kids

10 Tips for managing the holidays with neurodiverse kids.
The In-Between

It might be the most important place; the in-between. That space where the 2e brain, accustomed to intense stimulation, compensates in the absence of excitement. Craving stimulation, if the 2e […]
Diversifying Your Life Portfolio

In business, people talk about diversifying your investment portfolio. You don’t want to commit all of your money to one sector or in one area. In order to protect yourself in […]