On Being Twice Exceptional During the Holidays

I recently asked participants in our Parent Empowerment Group what they love about the holidays. Just a simple question, but since they are parents of twice exceptional students, I had to give the caveat – “in theory.” Holidays can be dreadful for parents of twice exceptional students because of how they affect their kids and […]

Breaking Down Learning for Everyone Increases Learning for Everyone

Where it once was thought that strategies like these were meant only for special needs students, we see from this article and many classroom accommodations, that the only ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach is the approach that everyone can benefit from intentional and meaningful interventions

2e and PTSD

…the twice exceptional (gifted with a learning difference) population is under inordinate, constant stress.

Hurricane Parenting

Parenting a hurricane mind requires hurricane parenting, riding along – albeit sometimes holding on for dear life – in order to avoid destruction.

Letting Go

I’ve been thinking a lot about “letting go” lately. Many people are recalibrating expectations and adjusting to ‘new norms’ globally – in the face of natural and man-made disasters, and nationally with powerful and painful government and social politics.  Letting go requires forging ahead in new ways, setting a course that takes into account relevant […]

How Incentive Systems Can Backfire with Gifted and 2e Kids

My client’s second grade son came home in tears the other day.  Usually a happy child, on this particular day he communicated his feelings in response to a teacher’s strategy for “good behavior.” Apparently the teacher issues stickers to children who can “behave,” who can “stand still,” who “listen,” and who “do what they’re supposed […]

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