Making and Keeping Resolutions through Gratitude

This time of year people talk about resolutions. We are bombarded by advertisements to join fitness centers, eat healthier, save more.  Often times people start out with good intentions but within a few weeks or months, fall back into known patterns.  In parenting, making resolutions that stick requires focusing on a goal (why we need […]

How Incentive Systems Can Backfire with Gifted and 2e Kids

My client’s second grade son came home in tears the other day.  Usually a happy child, on this particular day he communicated his feelings in response to a teacher’s strategy for “good behavior.” Apparently the teacher issues stickers to children who can “behave,” who can “stand still,” who “listen,” and who “do what they’re supposed […]

Making an Investment in the Parent-Child-Teacher Triangle

I feel it. Looking around the pool where friends and neighbors were lounging and carefree all summer, there’s a certain change, a bit of electricity in the air. It’s the homestretch of summer break and parents and kids alike are getting that antsy feeling. In some cases it’s anticipation. In others it’s trepidation. For the […]

Leggo My Ego

Leggo my Ego There is no room for ego in parenting or teaching. Remember the breakfast waffle commercial where an Eggo waffle pops out of the toaster and siblings simultaneously grab for it and shout “Leggo my Eggo?” I imagine this going on inside a parent or teacher’s mind. As a challenging situation crops up, […]

Be a Super Model … a Super ROLE Model

Ever heard your child say something in an all too familiar sarcastic or snarky tone? It’s even worse when you’re in public or at a work function and they let loose one of those zingers. Ugh. We all know kids are the best at holding up a mirror to their parents. We also know that […]

Smart Dog

“Poodles are difficult to train as guide dogs, they’re too smart.” So said the elderly blind gentleman who was holding the leash of a black standard poodle guide dog named Espresso. I had just crossed the street to meet Espresso – that’s what poodle people do – we cross streets to meet poodles. But I […]

The Smarter They Are, the Harder They Are…or Are They?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the effect of words used in psychological diagnoses; particularly for the diagnoses of ADHD and Gifted. Yep, “Gifted” is a diagnosis. I was surprised too. When my 5 year old was diagnosed ADHD and Gifted, I didn’t think the Gifted part was a “diagnosis.” I thought, “Ok, so he’s […]

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