Honoring Overexcitabilities Allows Us to Soar Safely
Overexcitabilities to gifted and twice exceptional people are like wind to a kite. They allow us to fly high but can also cause us to perilously fall toward earth, often in a dizzying and uncontrollable descent. Overexcitabilities are those intensities that come forth in the intellectual, emotional, imaginational, sensual (sensory) and psychomotor domains as identified […]
Smart Dog
“Poodles are difficult to train as guide dogs, they’re too smart.” So said the elderly blind gentleman who was holding the leash of a black standard poodle guide dog named Espresso. I had just crossed the street to meet Espresso – that’s what poodle people do – we cross streets to meet poodles. But I […]
Hyper Attention Activity Deficit
I just renamed ADHD. I now think of this existence (note, I avoided the dreaded word, disorder) as HYPER ATTENTION ACTIVITY DEFICIT. I’ve been thinking about the term ADHD for a long time. It implies that the affected person cannot pay attention. But for a long time I’ve known that it means the person can […]