Athena Academy is a non-profit educational institution established in 2010, devoted to educating bright dyslexic children and 2e dyslexic and gifted students, grades 1 – 8. The school is located on a spacious campus in Palo Alto, near Stanford University.
Athena uses a blend of teaching methods, based on the latest neuroscience and educational research, which builds on the dyslexic student’s natural, picture-oriented learning style. The individualized, project based education program teaches to each child’s strengths and gifts, accelerating learning for the widest range of dyslexic students.
1 to 6 ratio of teachers to students in the elementary school and 1 to 8 in the middle school.
Small, calm classrooms with an average of 6 students (elementary) or 8 students (middle) in the room with one teacher.
A unique blend of teaching methods: advanced Visual-Spatial methods combined with traditional sequential and phonics-based methods to address the areas of weakness.
Challenging classes in Advanced Science, Social Studies, History, Art, Technology, and Performing Arts to develop the students strengths and gifts.
Teachers with excellent backgrounds and talent who receive in-depth training and ongoing professional development to enable them to provide outstanding education for dyslexic and 2e learners.