Advocacy Institute


2e expert, Julie Skolnick, M.A., J.D. and Founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC consulting shares her advocacy training and skills to help parents create their child’s Personal Advocacy Plans using her Craft the Story™️ Method. If you’re done banging your head against the wall. If you feel school doesn’t hear you or that teachers focus on deficits to the detriment of your 2e child’s strengths – the 2e ADVOCACY INSTITUTE™ is for you.

what you get


Creating your child’s personalized advocacy plan!

What: Learn best practices to advocate for your twice exceptional child and create your Individualized Advocacy Plan.

When: TBA
Where: Virtual via zoom
How: Join 2e expert, Julie Skolnick, M.A., J.D to learn tips and tricks for getting to ‘yes’ and go through Julie’s unique process of Crafting The Story™️ to create a meaningful advocacy plan.

If you are wondering, “Isn’t it too late for advocacy? It’s nearly the end of the year!” NOW is the BEST TIME for advocacy. Let’s capture all the data from this year - where your child struggles, where he shined and what interventions worked or didn’t. Planning now sets you up for success in the fall without trying to remember what worked and what didn’t.

Watch video below to hear Julie explain the ADVOCACY INSTITUTE™

Thank you for your interest in registering for the
2e Advocacy Institute™

Due to a happy circumstance we unfortunately have postponed the 2e Advocacy Institute™. If you submit your name and email below, we’ll add your name to a waitlist for when we re-launch this opportunity. (You are guaranteed a space. 😉

Let's Roll Up Our Sleeves &
Personalize Your Advocacy Plan

Sunday May 22, 2022; Noon EST - 2:00 pm EST 12:00 - 12:50: Live Presentation "Best Practices to Advocate for your 2e Learner"

12:00 – 12:50:  Live Presentation “Best Practices to Advocate for your 2e Learner

12:50 -1:00: Q&A
1:00 – 1:10: Break
1:10 – 2:30: Live Workshop – Setting Specific Goals and a Strengths-Based Approach to Crafting Your Child’s Story™
**Bonus: Pre-recorded session, “Your IEP and 504 Questions Answered” with expert, Jennifer Engel Fisher**

Space EXTREMELY limited. Sign up today!

Additional Perks included with your 2e Advocacy Institute™ purchase:

50% off Let's Talk 2e Conferences

Attendees receive 50% off any conference in our library during their six-week community membership. Since our conferences are always on-demand, members can use their discount during their membership and watch the conference any time. We like to say, "Watch WHAT you want, WHEN you want."

Let's Talk 2e — Parents Facebook Group

Meet a wider group of like-minded parents to add another layer of connection and a place to gather information and share successes and struggles. Join this group now.

Advocacy Tools & Crafting the Story™️ PDF

In order to effectively advocate for your child, the first step is to craft his/her story. Use these PDFs to gather information and turn it into a narrative to share at meetings and in emails.

Monthly Newsletter

Referred to as “mandatory reading” by professionals and educators for their teams, and anxiously awaited by parents and 2e adults, community members are automatically subscribed to Gifted & Distractible free monthly newsletter including Julie’s monthly blog, articles, events and resources for the 2e community.

Registration is Open!

Register for the 2e Advocacy Institute™!

2e Advocacy Institute™

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