Documentary Screening
Hollywood producer, Tom Ropelewski’s award winning documentary, “2e: Twice Exceptional” is nothing short of inspirational. I organize screenings for general audiences including exhibitors and relevant resources for audience members.
Hollywood producer, Tom Ropelewski’s award winning documentary, 2e: Twice Exceptional is nothing short of inspirational. Read my documentary review in the 2e Newsletter.
2e: Twice Exceptional follows the personal journeys of a unique group of high school students identified as “twice exceptional” – gifted or highly gifted individuals with learning disabilities or differences. They are geniuses, mavericks and dreamers. Among them may be the next Einstein, Mozart or Steve Jobs… if they can survive the American school system and their own eccentricities.
The movie includes interviews with 2e kids, their parents, teachers, administrators and other professionals working with them. Through their eyes we learn about the inner experience of the twice exceptional population, their incredible perseverance and how they overcome significant challenges. The audience enjoys candid introspection and is treated to a truly strengths based approach to living and working with these kids.
Invite me to screen 2e: Twice Exceptional for your gathering of parents and/or teachers. With my comprehensive introduction and overview of the gifted and 2e profile, along with a Q/A session after the movie, this becomes a meaningful event for your group.
Private Screenings
Schedule a screening for your parent group, school, or professional organization.
Exhibit at a Screening
Advertise your 2e Service or Product at one of our screenings of 2e: Twice Exceptional.