Do you have children who struggle with perfectionism? Perhaps you do yourself. Would like practical ideas for helping overcome it? Perfectionism is an occupational hazard of giftedness, and its effects can be truly debilitating. Learn what perfectionism looks like in gifted kids, its potentially damaging effects, and then take a deep dive into the big ideas and strategies for turning this terrible master into a compliant servant.
Using a combination of neuropsychology, pedagogy, experience, humor, technology and sheer fun, Lisa Van Gemert shares best practices in education with audiences around the world. She is an expert consult to television shows including Lifetime’s “Child Genius,” and a writer of award-winning lesson plans, as well as numerous published articles on social psychology and pedagogy and the book, Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing Never Good Enough. A former teacher, school administrator, and Youth & Education Ambassador for Mensa, she shares resources for educators and parents on her website and is co-founder with Ian Byrd of the Gifted Guild, a professional community for educators of the gifted. Lisa and her husband Steve are the parents of three sons and live in Arlington, Texas.
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