On Being Twice Exceptional During the Holidays

I recently asked participants in our Parent Empowerment Group what they love about the holidays. Just a simple question, but since they are parents of twice exceptional students, I had to give the caveat – “in theory.” Holidays can be dreadful for parents of twice exceptional students because of how they affect their kids and […]

2e Kids, Emotional Overexcitability and the Election

Gifted and twice exceptional people often experience emotional overexcitability. Plugging into the world in an organic way, they see, feel, and understand their surroundings on a deeper level. This super power sometimes causes great pleasure and at other times, great pain. Research shows that our children can tap into the feelings of the adults around […]

How to Engage Your 2e Student in Online Learning

Parents and educators are asking how to engage their 2e students in online and hybrid learning. Never mind having to learn under the stressful circumstances of today, engagement in online learning is almost always tough. We are social creatures and we crave meaningful interactions. If we don’t have a balance of in-person and online interaction […]

Social Distancing and Family Converging: Twice Exceptional Adults at Home

During these unchartered waters in our collective human history, you suddenly find your spouse or partner, your kids, your work, everything at home with you. Whereas you may have constructed boundaries before, boundaries are now blurred or non-existent.  This can be overwhelming for everyone, but for twice exceptional adults – on top of all the […]

Fear and Unknown

We are living in a liminal time. What will happen next? How will I keep my kids engaged? How will I make online learning meaningful for my students? How will I work while my kids are bored at home with me? Who will get sick? When? How will I pay my bills? How can I […]

Identification, not Education is the Problem with Gifted Programs

A recent article published in the Seattle Times, (“All Children are Gifted Just in Different Ways,” Feb. 7, 2020, ) lashes out at #giftedprogramming as racist, in fact, author @davidgardner, refers to what he calls “so-called ‘gifted’ education” as “institutional racism and elitism.” Mr. Gardner is incorrect in labeling gifted programming as racist and unfortunately […]

Necessary Facts for Understanding and Accepting Your Child with ADHD

Yesterday a client shared that she was having a hard time getting her child’s father on board to understand and address their son’s learning profile. The author echos my oft said sentiment that with understanding comes calm. In discussing “The Father Factor” it becomes clear that understanding leads to acceptance. Read on for a great […]