2e Kids, Emotional Overexcitability and the Election

Gifted and twice exceptional people often experience emotional overexcitability. Plugging into the world in an organic way, they see, feel, and understand their surroundings on a deeper level. This super power sometimes causes great pleasure and at other times, great pain. Research shows that our children can tap into the feelings of the adults around […]

Zooming in, Zooming out; Telescoping to Alleviate Stress

Changing perspective based on the issue in front of us is necessary to address stress and other challenges typical for the gifted and twice exceptional communities. ‘Telescoping,’ the act of zooming in and zooming out, is necessary to shift perspective and persevere.

Fear and Unknown

We are living in a liminal time. What will happen next? How will I keep my kids engaged? How will I make online learning meaningful for my students? How will I work while my kids are bored at home with me? Who will get sick? When? How will I pay my bills? How can I […]

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