Social Distancing and Family Converging: Twice Exceptional Adults at Home

During these unchartered waters in our collective human history, you suddenly find your spouse or partner, your kids, your work, everything at home with you. Whereas you may have constructed boundaries before, boundaries are now blurred or non-existent.  This can be overwhelming for everyone, but for twice exceptional adults – on top of all the […]

The Haystack is a community created specifically to help 2e Adults thrive. When you join the Haystack you will...

  • Find people who care about the things you care about
  • Learn why some things are hard and others a breeze
  • Gain perspective – on yourself, and others
  • Spend time interacting – UNMASKED
  • Share your strengths and passions with others who appreciate YOU

And doors close on October 1st! Click below to join the Haystack...