2021 2eResources.com Gift Guide

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If giving gifts during this time of year is part of your celebrations, it’s often difficult finding that just-right-gift for your neurodiverse loved ones. To make things easier, this year, we created a curated selection of inspired ideas from 2eResources.com for everyone on your list! (I think we use “we’ve got you covered” too much)

For the family that values experiences: Nature Matters Academy’s Monthly Membership ($29/month)

Nature Matters Academy’s new monthly membership connects families with high-quality, easily digestible STEAM adventures they can experience in their own backyard. For just $29 a month, you receive: 

  • 1 STEAM Nature Lesson based on the month’s theme ($29 Value)
  • 1 Nature Craft based on the month’s theme ($15 Value)
  • 1 STEAM Nature Challenge ($20 Value)
  • 1 Family Night on Zoom where we play games and learn about the monthly theme together! ($37 Value)

It’s a great opportunity for kids and adults alike to get to know the world around them a little more – while having fun and bonding with each other in the process.

For the adult who recently discovered they’re neurodivergentLet’s Talk 2e Adult Conference ($167)

Discovering you’re gifted or 2e as an adult can be SO validating, but also overwhelming. It’s hard to know what to do with this information or how to find support.

The on-demand Let’s Talk 2e Adult Conference (the first conference ever for gifted and 2e adults) provides a clear path with 16 expert sessions designed to help the 2e adult in your life build self-awareness, find professional fulfillment, and better navigate relationships – including the relationship they have with themself.

For the kid who is seeking friends with similar interests… Davidson Institute Young Scholars Program (Free)

Gifted kids thrive when they’re surrounded by interest-based peers and learning – but that can be challenging to find. Davidson Institute’s free Young Scholars Program, an online community designed to help gifted kids succeed academically, emotionally, and socially is a great way to find interest peers.

As a Young Scholar, they’ll have access to exclusive summer events, scholarship opportunities, and online communities where they can build friendships with other gifted kids around the country. 

For the friend who has trouble staying organized… Get Organized: Real Time Organizing that Works! ($120)

Did you know decluttering and organizing are great ADHD strategies for calm, focus and improved memory?

Help a friend (or yourself) start next year a little stronger, clearer, and less overwhelmed with ADDiva’s next round of Get Organized! This 4-week program, starting January 6th, provides live classes, check-ins, and daily support you need to transform your space.

For the parent who wants to homeschool their 2e child in 2022… Renzulli Learning System Home Edition ($49/year) or GHF Choices ($50/year)

There are so many excellent homeschool support tools for gifted and 2e kids out there that we couldn’t pick just one!

The Renzulli Learning System: Home Edition is especially helpful for those who are new to homeschooling. Renzulli Home is an interactive online teaching system that helps parents provide a personalized learning environment for their gifted and 2e kids.

One of the big benefits of this system is that it helps parents enable their child to learn more about their strengths and direct their own learning through strength-based lessons and activities. 

If the parent you have in mind likes to take a more DIY approach to homeschooling, GHF Choices is a great option.. This year-long program – developed by experts, professionals, and veteran families –  offers comprehensive monthly educational programming for gifted students, community support, and live expert interviews.

The best part? GHF already has a large base of thriving, supportive homeschooling parents, so you’ll never have to figure things out on their own.

For the gifted or 2e adult who wishes their work was more fulfillingExceptional Talent by Frans Corten ($27.84)

Gifted and 2e adults may not automatically find their way in life and work. They can experience a big gap between what they need and what they encounter. This richly illustrated book helps them create their own path – not by adapting, but by attuning instead. 

For the teacher who loves a great lesson plan… Free Spirit Publishing’s Lesson Plans ($14 to $40)

Let’s face it – lesson planning is a lot of work – especially when the lessons are designed for gifted and 2e brains. Give your favorite teacher a break by gifting them engaging lesson plans from Free Spirit Publishing. From activities to nurture social emotional learning, to culturally responsive curriculum, they have something for every kind of classroom. 

For the teacher who’s seeking to better understand the gifted and 2e kids in their classroom… Let’s Talk 2e Teacher Conference ($127)

As much as we wish it were different, there aren’t a lot of places teachers can go to receive training on nurturing and supporting gifted and 2e kids. The on-demand Let’s Talk 2e Educator Conference aims to fix that with 25 expert trainings on math, technology, student equity, and more. This conference is packed with tools and strategies for teachers to apply right away to better understand and effectively address 2e students’ strengths and struggles.

For the parent who’s wishing for more hope, help, happiness, and clarity on how to support their gifted or 2e kid: Let’s Talk 2e Parent Conference ($120)

Sometimes the gift of knowledge and support is the best gift you can give a parent. With the on-demand Let’s Talk 2e Conference for Parents, you’re giving them a library of 21 expert presentations they can refer to when challenges surface throughout their parenting journey.

They’ll learn about different types of giftedness, explore how their 2e kid’s amazing brain works, discover how to collaborate effectively with teachers, and walk away with an arsenal of strength-based parenting strategies. 

For the clinician or teacher that’s helping you navigate IEPs, 504s, and learn more about your child’s 2e-ness: an annual Variations Magazine subscription ($22)

Help your favorite clinician and/or teacher stay up to date with the gifted and 2e community with an annual subscription to Variations Magazine!

Released by Bridges 2e Center for Research and Professional Development, Variations Magazine celebrates twice-exceptional individuals, as well as the parents, educators, and other professionals who devote their lives to turning 2e students’ feelings of estrangement into confidence, efficacy, and self-realization. It’s currently one of the best resources out there for learning about the latest developments in the fields of giftedness and twice-exceptionality.

For the kid or adult who loves technology and wishes everyday tasks and routines were easier to manage… a session with Joan Green from Innovative Speech

Gifted and 2e individuals often need some executive function support – but what many people don’t know is a lot of support is built into the technology we already have! Help your loved one learn how to use technology to support their challenges in a session with speech language pathologist and technology consultant Joan Green.

For the person in your life who struggles to manage stress… an EFT Tapping Session from Wellness at Your Fingertips

Anxiety, overwhelm, and frustration are unfortunately all-too-common emotions for gifted and 2e people. Gift them some peace this year with an EFT Tapping Session – a revolutionary, science-backed technique for stress relief and emotion regulation.

For the college-bound gifted teen… a College Guidance session with Amy Estersohn 

Does your college-bound teen have twenty ideas for a college essay and nothing written down? Book a session with former educator and admissions officer Amy Estersohn. At her consulting business, College Guidance for Stubborn Teens, Amy helps gifted and 2e teens own their strengths, navigate the admissions process, and find the right college fit. 

For the individual who has trouble recognizing their own giftedness and neurodiversity… Insight into a Bright Mind Nicole Tetreault ($28)

Want to help your loved ones understand the science behind why intelligent, sensitive, and highly creative brains are simply different – and maybe help them recognize that they have one too?

In her book, Insight into a Bright Mind, Dr. Nicole Tetreault translates recent groundbreaking research examining the minds of the most highly intelligent, creative, and intense brains, and explores new directions for the neurodiverse experiences of humans. You’ll learn how brains are as unique as fingerprints, and how being “hard-wired” differently can create an elevated experience.



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