Strength-based practices can and do enable 2E students to develop their gifts while simultaneously compensating for their deficits. In particular, Renzulli and Reis’ Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM), focusing on talent development, can be used to enhance strengths as well as address academic challenges often experienced by 2E students. Strategies such as developing Talent Profiles, completing Interest Inventories, and implementing a broad array of enrichment and strength-based practices, such as Enrichment Clusters, Renzulli Learning, and Types I, II, and III Enrichment, will be discussed.
Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli is a Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology and director of the Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development at the University of Connecticut. His research has focused on creative and investigative learning, talent development, and organizational models for total school improvement. Although the American Psychological Association named Dr. Renzulli among the 25 most influential psychologists in the world, he lists as his proudest accomplishment the numerous innovative applications of his Schoolwide Enrichment Model in schools around the world. He considers himself to be an on-the-ground communicator who always approaches his work from the practical perspectives of teachers. In 2018 Dr. Renzulli was listed as one of the world’s top 30 International Education Professionals.
Sally M. Reis recently completed a six-year term as the Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and currently is the Letitia Neag Chair and a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor in the Neag School of Education at UConn. She was a classroom teacher and administrator in public schools before coming to UConn. She has authored and co-authored more than 250 articles, books, book chapters, monographs and technical reports, and worked generated over 50 million dollars in grants with a UConn research team. Sally has served as the President of the National Association for Gifted Children, has won many awards for her work and research, and is a fellow of the American Psychological Association. She is also the co-director of Confratute, the longest running summer institute in gifted education in the world. Her specialty areas in research include underachievement of high potential students, curriculum compacting and differentiation, talented readers and the Schoolwide Enrichment Model.
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