This presentation will provide a solid rationale for the power of learning in an environment in which uniqueness is honored and strengths lead the way. Discover strategies to find, share, leverage, and develop interests, gifts, and talents. With just a shift in focus, you can find practical ideas for being a change agent in your home, classroom, and school.
Susan Baum, Ph.D. is the Director of the 2e Center for Research and Professional Development at Bridges Academy, a school for twice exceptional. She is the 2010 recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award granted by the Weinfeld Group, for her contributions to the field of the education of twice exceptional learners, 2011 recipient of the Connecticut Association for Gifted’s Friend of the Gifted Award and the 2015 Distinguish Professional Alumni Award from the Neag School of Education for her work with twice exceptional students and the Lifetime Achievement Award from AEGUS and the 2e Newsletter in 2017.
Professor Emeritus from The College of New Rochelle, Susan is widely published in the areas of differentiated instruction, twice exceptional students, primary-aged gifted students, and social and emotional factors affecting gifted students. Her books include Creativity 1,2,3; Chi Square, Pie Charts and Me; To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strategies for Helping Bright Students with LD, ADHD, and More; Multiple Intelligences in the Elementary Classroom: A Teachers Toolkit; and Staying In Stepp: Nurturing the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Adolescents.
Susan served on the Board of Directors of the National Association for Gifted Students and is the past president and founder of the Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students (AEGUS). Susan serves on the advisory boards of 2e Newsletter and Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities.
This past year, Susan Baum and Robin Schader published the 3rd edition of To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strength-Based Strategies for Helping Twice-Exceptional Students with LD, ADHD, and More (Prufrock Press), as well as a Chapter titled Using a Positive Lens: Engaging Twice-Exceptional Learners in the book edited by Scott Barry Kaufmann,Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties (Oxford Press).
Robin Schader received her Ph.D. in Gifted and Talented Education from the University of Connecticut, where she was an Assistant Research Professor. Her work and research focus on talent development, particularly with respect to the role of parents. Dr. Schader served as Parent Resource Specialist for the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) for ten years. She has been invited to speak at numerous state and national conferences including NAGC, National PTA, and National HeadStart. Before graduate school, she founded and directed Music House, a non-profit “home away from home” for exceptionally talented pre-college music students from around the world who needed to live near the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.
She has served on the boards of several public and private institutions, including the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, the Neag School of Education Advisory Board, the Berkshire Hills Music Academy, the Butte Valley, California, Public School Board, and Apple Computer’s National Dealer Advisory Board (she owned and operated an independent Apple dealership for 15 years prior to graduate school). Currently Robin is a trustee of Bridges Academy, a school for twice-exceptional students, as well as on the executive board of the 2e Center for Research and Professional Development.
This past year, Susan Baum and Robin Schader published the 3rd edition of To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strength-Based Strategies for Helping Twice-Exceptional Students with LD, ADHD, and More (Prufrock Press), as well as a Chapter titled Using a Positive Lens: Engaging Twice-Exceptional Learners in the book edited by Scott Barry Kaufmann,Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties (Oxford Press).
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