Diversifying Your Life Portfolio

In business, people talk about diversifying your investment portfolio. You don’t want to commit all of your money to one sector or in one area. In order to protect yourself in the process, you have to “spread the wealth” so to speak; give attention to different potentials and be open to learning in order to maximize […]

Will Everything be Okay?

As a parent or teacher of a 2e child it feels like we are in constant combat against the world. We fight so hard for people to see the amazing strengths and talents in our incredible kids. But do we reflect on these efforts, where they’ve gotten us and our children?

Shining a Light on the Shadows

Once you start positively reframing what’s around you, when you can make the conscious decision that there is always an upside, you start to notice the strengths and opportunities for growth and knowledge.

Hurricane Parenting

Parenting a hurricane mind requires hurricane parenting, riding along – albeit sometimes holding on for dear life – in order to avoid destruction.

Type-A Parenting

A colleague of mine asked a Head of School “Which kids should go to boarding school?” Her answer was “Children of two ‘Type-A’ parents.” Well, where I live, that’s just about everyone. What that head of school said made me sad. Parents are so frequently judged and in one fell swoop this educator took down […]

Letting Go

I’ve been thinking a lot about “letting go” lately. Many people are recalibrating expectations and adjusting to ‘new norms’ globally – in the face of natural and man-made disasters, and nationally with powerful and painful government and social politics.  Letting go requires forging ahead in new ways, setting a course that takes into account relevant […]

School Success

Last June, on my Facebook Live Broadcast “Let’s Talk 2e!” I spoke about getting ready for this school year. People probably wondered “Why is she talking about that now?!” But the truth is, advocating for our 2e kids never stops and planning ahead with a global goal in mind is the best way to help […]

Running to Stand Still

The lyrics illustrate the lonely and often frustrating journey of parenting a 2e child or being a 2e adult; awakening to the realization of necessary and sometimes onerous advocacy and the final appreciation that even after a journey of learning and promoting best practices, we may find ourselves standing in the same place as when we started.